God is almighty. He is omnipotent. He is omnipresent. He is omniscient. He knows Mathematics. Mathematics is called the language of Science. So, the people who believe in God say that He created the Universe by applying all laws of Science and Mathematics.
God is governing beautifully, amazingly, and consistently the movement of celestial bodies from last 5 billion years.
The two examples are sufficient to prove the belief correct that God has Mathematical Insight.
When Sir Isaac Newton published his textbook of science in 1687, he titled it, Principia, ‘the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy’.
Galileo affirmed: ‘the book of Nature is written in the language of mathematics”
One of the most influential mathematicians of 20th century, Andre Weil once said, ‘God exists since mathematics is consistent’.
His point is that the consistency of mathematics is an evidence for God’s existence.
Johannes Kepler in 17th century believed that God is a geometer. According to him, the beauty of mathematics must be reflected in the heavens in the way the planets are organized.
The organisation of planets through His sovereign rules for the universe still work perfectly even after structuring the Universe so many many years ago.
Srinivas Ramanujan has said that “an equation to me has no meaning unless it represents a thought of God”. It shows that he had belief in existence of God.
One can say vividly that God uses mathematics in structuring the Universe. We too can learn this language and can be equivalent to the God, unless we aren’t impatient.
God’s Insight does not befriend hypocrisy. God’s Insight understands His principles. If someone knows the language of mathematics or the language of Nature, he can understand the big picture of God’s plan.

God’s Insight reveals two things:
(1) Every problem has a solution, and,
(2) If there is a pattern, there is mathematics.
Now it’s clear that everything around us is mathematics, just like God. When we don’t fear from God, we should not fear from mathematics too.
There’s a divine proportion in God’s creation. It’s seen everywhere in the Nature surrounding us.
Do we have not noticed spiral in shells?
As the shells get larger, they retain their identical forms. This beautiful form is named Golden Spiral. It can be seen in whirlpools, sunflowers, and daisies etc.
Remember, if something is natural i.e, created by God, it will follow a pattern in divine proportion. This divine proportion in mathematics is also called Golden ratio.
We can conclude that the Almighty God is very much conscious in its Mathematical Insight while following the structural language.